Brainstorming at Burning Man 2016

Contents for Brainstorming at Burning Man 2016

Our trip to Burning Man 2015 was so successful that we are expanding our presence for 2016 to a 30' PlayaDome and running 12 Brainsto...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Can Autonomous Vehicles Keep from Running into Each Other?

Serendipity is awesome! It always makes me believe I am on a right track. The topic for today was set 3 posts ago, and just this morning I found an item in the April 2013 Wired issue about exactly this topic! (I wrote this 2 weeks ago, but we are moving and life got a bit hectic for a while, sorry for the hiatus.) It’s a response to a reader’s question about Autonomous Vehicle safety:
  • One key point in favor of Autonomous Vehicles is that “30% of traffic fatalities involve drunk drivers, while 10% are due to drivers distracted by phones, chatter, or food.” Autonomous Vehicles won’t be drunk or “unwrap hamburgers while merging.”
To see a good description of the power of coordinated Autonomous Vehicles, watch this TED2012 talk Swarms of helicopters. To see an example of what they can do, here is an excerpt from that video play music. If you Google “copter swarm” you will see amazing examples of: Coordination, Communication, and Autonomy.

Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine, Curator of the TED Conference, and innovator in drones, predicts that these helicopter drones will solve some of the challenges I have been discussing. In the article How I Accidentally Kickstarted the Domestic Drone Boom, Chris points out that you can buy a quad-coptor on Amazon, and “For less than $30, you can buy a little circuit board that can connect it to an autopilot.”

But I don’t want those rotors anywhere near my face, and I really hate to think of 3-dimensional traffic jams, so let’s see what else we can do with these same technologies with the approach I’m describing.

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